Join Our Partner Program

Get 12 Months in Las Vegas, Los Angeles and New York

66,000 points for $24,000 — Save over 60%

Partnering with QLife provides corporations with year-round advertising in all of our markets, plus exclusive benefits only available to our partners.

Year-Round Advertising

Premiere Partners receive one ad per month in every market we serve. Publish the same ad in each market or different ads in each market. Your ad will be seen in our web edition, social media edition, email edition, flipbook edition, downloadable PDF, and print-on-demand.

Event Flyers

Las Vegas, Los Angeles and New York are entertainment destinations. Instead of fixed monthly ads, entertainment partners can choose event flyers, allowing you to swap out creative multiple times per month. Partners choosing this option can have up to two simultaneous event ads at any time. Plus, all partners are listed in our monthly email edition.

Email Blasts

Each Premiere Partner receives one dedicated email blast each year to our entire database.


We provide local LGBTQ and HIV/AIDS non-profits with year-round sponsorships. Premiere Partners can choose an additional local or national non-profit organization to sponsor. Yup, your own corporate foundation is eligible, too.

Feature Sponsorships

Premiere Partners can sponsor specific feature pages in QLife. You receive dedicated or rotating logo branding and link on each feature page.

Current Feature Sponsorships Opportunities Include:

  • Las Vegas Directory
  • Los Angeles Directory
  • New York Directory

Dedicated Feature Sponsorships are $3,000 per year

Shared Feature Sponsorships are $1,000 per year